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Message from the Provincial Superior


St. Montfort was a Jealous Preacher, a visionary wanted to be a missionary. His wish was fulfilled by Bros. Denis, John Baptist de la Salle and Martin de Vertou who landed in our Mother land on 11th September 1903 at Pondicherry. St. Montfort loved the poor, these Brothers also loved the poor wanted to lift them up in the society. So, started the first house at Tindivanam with technical School named after St. Joseph the worker. As years passed by seeing the works of these Brothers many young boys joined them as members. In 1948 it became a province of India. Yercaud as its head quarter. In 1967, the province was divided into Regions: Center, North and South. In 1975 these Regions became independent Provinces, as South Province, Central Province and North Province. In 1993, the South Province was divided into Regions, Trichy and Yercaud, eventually they became provinces in 1998. In 2019 these two provinces were re-organised and new province was formed, as Bengaluru Province. Now in Yercaud Province we have 74 Brothers, in 16 Communities of which 3 communities are in the District of South Pacific.

Educating the youth and helping the economically weaker children to get holistic education is our charism.

May the vision and mission of Montfort be fulfilled, with grace of God and with the Blessing of our Mother Mary.


Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel