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7th Provincial Chapter


The 7th Provincial Chapter was organized from 20th to 22nd February 2015 at Vidya Deep College (CRI), Bangalore. Bros.Assistants General Joseph K.M and Paul Raj attended the Chapter in addition to 23 elected Capitulants and 8 ex-officio members.

The inaugural session started with a special prayer organized by Bro.Jenny Kuriakose, followed by the Iaugural Address by the President of the Chapter, Bro.Provincial who focused on three points
* Re-focusing on our Religious Commitment as authentic Brothers – The year of Consecrated life
* To wake from our slumber and the old ways and habits in order to Wake up the World
* An urgent need to renew our Prayer life and Community life

This was followed by a special message by Bro.Joseph K.M, who focused mainly on the Year of Consecrated life and message of the Holy Father in Witnesses of Joy. He called upon the Capitulants to be opened to the Spirit and be challenged by the Gospel values. The question we have to ask ourselves during this year is if and how we too are being challenged by the Gospel; whether the Gospel is truly the Manual for our daily living and the decisions we are called to make. – Pope Francis

After this the routine Chapter procedure was followed such as reading and approval of the rules, approval of the time table, appointment of tellers, appointment of time keeper, appointment of scrutinizers and election of moderators.

There were totally 8 general assemblies and 3 commission work sessions during these three days of the Chapter.

Bros. Ignatius, Augustine Novello and Jenny Kuriakose were appointed as the drafting committee members.

The concluding session:
* Bro.KM Joseph was highly appreciative and called it an IMPRESSIVE CHAPTER. He also said that the Chapter went on very seriously, in a matured way as adults and leaders of the Province. He said that he was highly impressed by the way it was organized. He specially appreciated Bro.Provincial Superior. He concluded his sharing quoting once again Pope Francis from Witnesses of Joy and wishing the Province a fruitful after Chapter life. Dont be closed in on yourselves, dont be stifled by petty squabbles, dont remain hostage to your own problems. These will be resolved if you go forth and help others to resolve their own problems, and proclaim the Good news. You will find life by giving life, hope and love by giving love.- Pope Francis
* Bro.Paul Raj said that he was happy to be a part of the Chapter.
He identified the following Positive Energy and traits that emerged during the Chapter in the areas of:
* Financial Discipline

* Vocation Promotion

He also said that a lot of good things were happening in the Province. He complimented the healthy participation by all the Capitulants. He added that the Chapter proceedings were respectful, dignified and the responses were brotherly.

He appreciated Bro. Provincial Superior for the documents and also organizing the Chapter well. He concluded by quoting Pope Francis, I prefer a Church that is more authentic than attractive and concluded saying let our life become not only attractive but authentic.

* Bro.Provincial specially thanked and appreciated the effective participation of Bro.K.M Joseph, the Asst. General, in-charge of the Province. In the same breath he thanked Bro.Paul Raj, the Asst. General for his presence and participation. He thanked the Provincial Administration, the moderators, the Chapter Secretaries, the Spiritual Animation team, Commission leaders, Commission secretaries, tellers, the time keeper and Bro.Justin. He also thanked the Superiors and the staff of CRI, Bangalore for their hospitality and goodness. Bro.Provincial said, the success of the Chapter depends on each one of you – the message you take back home particularly for the Brothers of the Province must be positive . There are no losers or winners – All are winners if we have the humility of the Publican – God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lk.18/13

He also challenged the Brothers to walk the talk – we have all talked well, which is very easy. Now is the time to do more than the talk.

He concluded calling upon the Capitulants to go back home with the firm belief when I am weak, then I am strong – 2 Cor.12/10.

Final Hymn  Glory to thee Montfort

All the Brothers formed a circle in the Chapter hall and joined their hands and sang the hymn, Glory to thee Montfort… After the hymn, the Brothers wished one another and received mementoes from the Provincial to mark the Tercentenary of the death of St.Montfort and the origin of Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel.

Consecrated life without sacrifice is a caricature – Pope Francis

Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel